Jessica Purcell
Assistant Professor
Department of Entomology
University of California, Riverside
Assistant Professor
Department of Entomology
University of California, Riverside

Media Coverage
Coverage of Ant rafts
- Rafting Ants Have Designated Stations - Discover Magazine
- In a Flood, Ants Really Come Together - New York Times
- Rafting ants use babies as floating life-preservers during floods - Los Angeles Times
- How Ants Make Rafts to Save the Queen - National Geographic
- Ants Build Rafts on the Backs of Their Young - Science Magazine
- Eureka! Meet the Antimedes - Telegraph India
- Las hormigas crean balsas con sus cuerpos para resistir inundaciones - El Mundo
- Elles utilisent leurs petits comme flotteurs - 24heures
- Ameisen: Die Kleinsten als rettende Basis für Flöße - Der Spiegel
- How Do Ants Survive Floods? Rafts Of Course - Jessica Interview on NPR
- Young Ants Save the Queen - Jessica Interview on CBC Quirks and Quarks
Coverage of foster carers
Photo by: Dumas Galvez
photo by: Tim Brütsch
Polar Bees
- 6 Scientists, 1,000 Miles, 1 Prize: The Arctic Bumblebee - The New York Times
- The hunt for an Alaskan Bumblebee - The New York Times
- The search for the Arctic Bumblebee - The Magazine of UC Riverside
- Loner Spiders Prevail as Pioneers - UCR Today
Video Gallery
Ant rafts video links
- Quirks & Quarks - ABC Radio